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We are the Online Gambling Master Team

The Online Gambling Master Team (OGMT) are a group of four gambling enthusiasts who met years ago online. Though we live on three different continents and lead completely different lives, we all share one common thing - our love of gambling.


I am 32 years old, grew up in eastern Germany, and experienced the fall of the Berlin Wall first hand. The west was a totally new world for me and soon I was able to buy my first computer and a modem. Connecting to the internet was the most incredible thing for me. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that encyclopedias of information could be accessed online with only the click of a mouse. Not long after I stumbled across the website of Global Player Casino, one of the first online casinos to be established. I struggled with the download of the software, contacted support, and had an hour conversation with the owner of the casino, who used to help out in support. That was really the early days of online casinos. That conversation left a long lasting impression on me. I got into gambling and, over the years, had the opportunity to meet quite a few managers from different online casinos. At one point I even contemplated starting my own online casino. But those thoughts quickly vanished as I continued to gamble online and realized that, if I were to run my own casino, I would miss out on all the fun I was having doing exactly what I enjoyed most.


I am 37 and had my first contact with gambling when I was looking for a job. My wife and I move to South Africa and after 3 months there, I was desperate to find a job. A few days later I started working for an online casino, because they desperately needed somebody who spoke French. Six years later, after working for various online casinos, I am ready to share my gambling knowledge with you, my friends.


I am 27 years old and the newest addition to OGMT. I don�t have as much experience as Albert and Robert, but I do enjoy playing Slots, Bingo and a little Poker and could spend hours online with these games. In September 2007 I won $19,800 playing a classic slot machine called Sultans 7. It was an astonishing win. Before that, I didn't think that average persons like me could win playing online. Ever since winning, I am hooked. The adrenaline rush of spinning the wheel and waiting for the winning combination is practically all I need to make my day.


A lady never reveals her age so if you're waiting for that, sorry readers. Truthfully, I am not really a gambler, but as freelance copywriter I have written hundreds of articles about the gambling industry over the years. The Gambling News section is my baby and I will be sure to give you the most up-to-date information on what's happening, who it's happening to, and what's going to happen next. You will read about hot new promotional offers, which will help you decide at which casino you want to get started playing.